See where everyone has been and wants to go

Let's take a closer look ...

Is passport-stamping your favorite activity? Are you living your best life? Browse and see photos of people who are.

How many travel gurus do YOU know? Maybe it's time to meet some and copy their adventures. Simplify your life.

If you don't write it down, it's not happening. So, create that bucketlist, select "Need Buddy" and hop on a plane.

We know it's time. And you know it's time! What are you waiting for? SMH. Chat with a fellow traveler. Book the flight and make that trip happen.

Get alerts when friends are traveling and stay in contact throughout their trip.

You already have lots of profiles. But do any of them keep track of those passport stamps? Nope! We think it's okay if you brag a little.

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If passport-stamping is your favorite activity, sign-up for our newsletter.
Let us do all of the work for you, while you … umm, do something else.